January 28, 2021

How Palliative Care Services Can Help You

Palliative care services support you and your treatment plan.

Maybe you or a loved one has recently been told that you can benefit from palliative care. But how, exactly, can palliative care services help improve your quality of life?

Palliative care services improve quality of life for patients and their families and help reduce the suffering caused by the physical, psychosocial and spiritual aspects related to a serious illness. Palliative services begin with the diagnosis of a serious illness and continue throughout your treatment.


Who provides palliative care?

Palliative care providers specialize in providing you with high-quality care. Sometimes palliative care includes a team of specialists who can help you and your family, such as:

  • Physicians and other providers
  • Social workers, pharmacists and dietitians
  • Behavioral health specialists
  • Spiritual counselors or chaplains, if requested


What can I expect from palliative care services?

Depending on your individual needs, a palliative care team can help you in many ways, such as:

  1. Help you identify and communicate what matters most to you.
  2. Provide treatment for your symptoms to make you feel better while staying at home.
  3. Give you and your caregiver(s) emotional support.
  4. Educate you and your family on your illness and medical options.
  5. Discuss your goals and ensure that your medical care is aligned with your goals.
  6. Help ensure smooth transitions across care settings, if needed.
  7. Keep your primary care provider updated with any changes.


If you think you or a loved one could benefit from palliative care services, talk to your doctor for more information.